Since my last foiled oil painting attempt, I've wanted to push myself and try it again. After all, my small paint set is actually water soluble — so much easier (and safer) to clean up so no excuse there at least. I decided to once more tackle luscious warm orange-like colours, buying this fruit and then setting it off against our lovely cool aquamarine coloured tea plate set.
Yes, it was a challenge again, especially working with details, but I didn't give up this time, even working through two separate settings as you can see here. At first, outside on our little balcony trying to stay cool from the blazing afternoon sun, then with the pending afternoon showers after work last night, I moved everything indoors. Painting with oils for me can end up being quite messy so I decided to stand in the kitchen, away from the carpet, using every spare bit of counter space I could find (in rather Wanda-like fashion, I might add)! :)

Anyway, with the due date upon me, I decided to end it here, cropping it down to only focus on the more finished centre.
Being the host of this co-op, as you know, I like to encourage each of us to push ourselves that little bit further, trying something different in the process, so I hope I've done that here for you? You know, it's all about activating the various parts of the right side of our brain so nothing stays dormant for too long and we are firing on all mental cylinders! I need every cell in there! :)
So, how about you? Was your aqua a little more blue than green or vice-versa? Hmm... I wonder if anyone did a mermaid perhaps with all that aquamarine around her?
Time to find out!
Addendum: I plan to actually specifically write something here in under a week — a dedication to someone I call, "My Little Yoda!" Stay tuned.