Monday, August 31

Container Garden (Creative Tuesdays)

Remember me telling you about that lil' lemon plant? Well, voila, here it is! This time I decided to do a watercolour which is my least favourite medium to work in. (I don't know how Alex does it!) In fact, I asked her to start laying down the initial wash for me on top of my sketch and then I went back in, adding more colour, depth, contrast, and inking the line work, etc. (Less daunting that way.)

Now, as for what the other two side mason jars* have planted in them, I have no idea. Anyway, these three live happily on the windowsill, giving us a sense of "garden" from our very own kitchen. A lot easier to maintain too, let me tell you. It's pretty hard to kill off succulents, for starters. :)

So, did any of you try your hand at succulents too or perhaps some other varieties?

* These jars were all happy finds, procured at our favourite local thrift store, no less.


  1. And before anyone notes, no, we don't have such a view beyond the window..if only! Haha, taking the liberty one can as an artist, I decide to obliterate all my neighbours' houses across the street! :)

  2. oh yes, definitely a much better view without the houses. that's city life for you - nothing but houses and tall building views but it's nice to imagine seeing the blue sky. & such a little lovely garden. I like the idea of turning something old - in this case jars - for something new.

    this piece turned out pretty well even if not in your preferred medium. the colors are subtle but works well. if I have done this, there would be more colors plus a plant or two of vines that runs amok but I like your neat, contained garden instead. some things are better when they are contained, I think.

    have a lovely day.

  3. Thanks. Yup,need more plants..and colour. It's a small garden, for sure. We don have a red pant but it is so freaky looking I thought peeps would think it was made up. Looks alien.

  4. Michael ~ love the captured the glass so perfectly. I love your little windowsill garden. This was a fun challenge, and there is nothing like an herb garden within reach. HaHa.

    1. So glad you liked it, Wanda. thank you for your comment, hre. Coming from you, I'm smiling!

  5. Wow you have outdone yourself Michael! This is a truly artistic rendition, love all the beautiful little pots here right down to the shading, wonderful details. And yes, I did do a succulent!

    1. Oooh, you did? Hee. Wonderful. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. wow.

  6. Watercolour might be your least fabourite medium but you do excel with it. Those glass jars with their reflections and changes of colour are perfect! At first I thought you had collaged photographs of jars. The lumps and bumps on the glass can be see quite clearly. I have loads of the round jars and love their texture. They conjure up memories of jam and preserve making. Beautifully done!

  7. Michael,
    Lovely watercolour. The jars are perfect and fantastic shadows. How did you make those glass jars?


    1. I used a white gel pen to get the highlights then added water on top with my paintbrush to soften it out. That helped. Thanks you, Janis.

    2. What a great tip, Michael. A gel pen, a paintbrush and water. Brilliant!

  8. Really lovely work I must say.Greetings!

    1. Thank you so much, Blogaratti. Very nice of you to visit again. Appreciated.

  9. Hi Michael, I love how the light is reflected at the front of each jar. You're very fortunate to have Alexandra lend a helping hand, although, I know you'd be perfectly fine on your own. Your jars are also lifelike. Terrific work. And the great thing about being an artist is that you get to create your outdoor view. :-)

  10. Well done, here. You have much talent.


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