Thursday, September 20

Scheduling Scribble Picnics

Hi everyone! The tiebreaker between having these meetups weekly vs. every two weeks was broken by the fact that someone voted for once a month! So, let's give it a go and see how it pans out (or not)! If it seems like people are less engaged then I'll probably revert back to weekly but for now, at least for me, twice a month allows for more time to get things done as the holidays will be soon upon us. Shocking, I know. And consider this, Alex and I will be moving yet again in November...but this one will be merely local so way easier. Oh, and we have a drive back to Colorado in December to pick up some longer items that wouldn't fit into our little car and for that chance to see the grand/kids too. :)

The next theme (chicken) ties in with the 2018 Inktober prompt due around then for anyone possibly considering doing that as well on Instagram. It's a really fabulous way to get exposure, by the way. Working with ink encourages you to go bold too. Using ink may be less forgiving but there's something to be said for being more intentional and less non-committed as can happen when working with pencils, knowing one can always erase.

Whilst I loved exploring fables alphabetically last year, this time I'll most likely follow the actual Inktober prompts for more of a feeling of collaboration with the other creatives also playing along. Anyone care to join me? 

Regardless, see you back here on October 3rd, if not before then. Happy scribbling!


  1. Fortnightly it is! 👍 I’m hoping to take part in INKtober again this year. I had a lot of fun last year even if I didn’t quite make it to the end of October.

    1. OOh, you are? Well, I need to check out your IG then! not seen anything come up yet. I get you though--same with me last year. LEt's see how afar we get this time. So far so good. That is, TWO whole days in. Hee.

  2. Chicken it is! See you Oct 3rd in 2 weeks.

    1. So can't wait to see what you do tomorrow, Christine. For some reason, I'm imagining a chicken egg offset some on a solid colour? Hmm...we shall see. :) Thank you.

  3. Every other week... October 3... I won't make any promises, but will try to be here then with my chicken!

    Good to see you back and hear about your big move. When you were in Colorado, I sort of thought of us as neighbors. :-)

    It's a busy time of year for us on the farm, with corn harvest just starting, to be followed by soybean harvest. But of course that's our goal all year, so it's always a blessing!

    1. Where are you then, Jolene? I'm neighbours with Amish people now and plenty of farmers. Adjusting...slowly. Pretty though. :) Whenever you join us will be lovely. Thank you.

  4. I'm clucking at the thought of the next prompt...hmmm...what shall I do with a chicken? What kind of horror will unfold lol? ;)

    1. I've got it, Rain! how about you use "Chicken!" as a sort of dare? Perfect for Inktober too btw as that's day 5.

  5. I don't eat them but I kinda like them - chickens. They must be free range though - no nasty crates piled up on each other!!!!

    See you at the Wed. picnic.
    Mary x

    1. Free range is the only ones I get -same with the eggs too. We actually never eat meat at home--only when out.


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