Wednesday, February 20

A Picnic full of hearts

Hello, bloggers and fellow artists! I've been really absent here, haven't I? Still need to go visit everyone for the Market entries last time around which I will likely not get to, unfortunately, until this Saturday, actually. We are about to take off to San Antonio for an art suppliers tradeshow Alex has been invited to, as she was last year.

Below, is the sign in for our Hearts entry. I'm not going to be able to contribute this time around but will visit you all the same time I go back and catch up on those markets! As this itself is going up late, the deadline has been extended to tomorrow (21st) night. Hope that helps.

I'm terribly sorry to be so flaky as of late - too many things going on as well as some quite unexpected developments over this weekend that I have needed to contend with.

See you back here in a few days!

P.S. I will need to give us three weeks (March 13th) for the next sign up as am going to be out until mid next week. No idea for the theme so I'm all ears to any suggestions you guys might like to explore. Any? How are you too with such annoyances as delays like this? Thank you for your honest feedback! Wish I could be more present but things will settle down at someone point...if you can wait that long! Anyway, I'll post something on the side bar upon my return. Thanks again.


Wednesday, February 6

Scribble Picnic Market

(Drawing updated)

Tuesday felt like Spring, a welcome relief from the bitter cold many of us have felt on this side of the world anyway! It got me thinking of a project I have coming up for a Spring Market and this represents my first very rough sketch doodled up that evening. If I go this direction, I'll fine tune it but you get the idea.

Now, what kind of picnic goodie would go well with this? Perhaps a cheese and tomato sandwich...with the crusts cut off, of course. :)

Can't wait to see what the rest of you do!

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