Monday, October 12

POSTAGE STAMP (Creative Tuesdays)

Having always admired this bird with it's gorgeous bold black and white areas, I thought it time to introduce the U.S.A. to a magpie "forever" stamp!* Looking at such stamps, however, I was surprised to note how "forever" is actually crossed out! I chose instead then not to add that diagonal line through it, so it always reads as truly forever!

Another aspect I wanted to challenge myself with here was simplifying the shapes down to their most elemental forms, thereby allowing for that wonderful interchange of negative space between the magpie's body and its background. I'm pretty happy with this one actually, even having enjoyed creating it. That's highly unusual for me as normally my fave part of illustrating is entirely beforehand when imagining the concept in the first place! Then again, this is more "graphic design" oriented which really is my forte.

OK, off to see what the rest of you are posting up on this theme! :)

Finally, let me wish our Canadians here, a very happy belated Thanksgiving! Canada's date makes far more sense for the holiday's harvest-centric theme, must say.

* For those outside the US: "Forever" stamps are always valid, regardless of any future postage cost increases.)

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