Wednesday, October 19


 Whose Home is it Anyway?!

This lil' bird has made a home inside a bird house fashioned as a tree that someone's put up in their own tree! Meanwhile the squirrel doesn't know what to make of his new neighbour, Still, bushy tail can't really complain. I mean, that same gardener has also hung up acorn bunting across its very own front door, the whole in the tree. Not too shabby, really. I think they'll learn to live in harmony, don't you? :)

OK, so time to see what the rest of you Creative Tuesday peeps did for your own tree-house interpretations. I'll scurry over to your sites soon enough. Can't wait. Thanks for playing along.

Tuesday, October 4

Red Riding Hood

As I was just about to begin this  piece, my course changed from my initial idea after seeing a pic of a howling wolf and noticing that the animal's neck fur could easily represent Red Riding Hood's own hair and the creature's tucked back ear could tie in to the fold in her hood. And so, about 25 minutes later, voila! It was one of those mad dashes of inspiration where I wanted that passion of movement, energy and spontaneity to show through. In fact, I think this piece rather hearkens back to a 1930's feel which I find kind of theatrical and dramatic too.

Anyway, I wonder what each of you did and which story you chose? Hmm...time to find out. Thank you to those of you who've shown interest in joining us at Creative Tuesdays. I'll be watching to see who signs up and can't wait to see what you've all done! Thanks again.

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