Wednesday, February 21

Scribble Picnic's "Fill in the Blank" Week
(stumpy rectangle)

"Bits & Bobs & Spare Parts. RoBoT REpaiR."
It's just one of those days for this lil' robot!

I've wanted to draw up a robot for ages and this shape allowed for the perfect opportunity! Not planning on colouring this one in though, actually — I'm liking it as is with that sort of sketchbook notation type feel.

So, what did you do for stumpy rectangle(s)? Let's find out... Oh, and Robot's brought a bag of Licorice Allsorts by the way — his favourites. But, I should probably tell you to watch out! He's rather known to have a penchant for soaking them in oil beforehand. :)



  1. This is so creative, even his head's on the table! Lots of wonderful details and rectangles of course! Well done.

    1. Don't you feel that way sometimes too? Ha. Thank you so much, Christine!

  2. I actually see many rectangles here Michael, fabulous!
    Yes, doesn't need color, get more of the metallic feeling from your great shading.
    Looks like there are plenty of spare parts remaining - a robot pal in the making perhaps?
    Michael, as I mention in my post, it's unlikely I'll be at the picnic whilst away - but will make next week's challenge. Internet is so spotty and very expensive on these expedition trips to the wild places of the world! I'll be thinking of you all though.

    Mary -

    1. Totally understood, Mary. Enjoy immensely and perhaps have a REAL picnic on deck in lieu of your absence? :) Looking forward to your blog posts on this next adventure upon your return too. (hmm..I wonder if you will know anyone else on this trip too or just be you and Bob?)

      Thank you so much for the comments.

    2. We are a group of 5 - Paula, Kim & Rob, and Bob & me.
      There will be about 120 passengers, mostly Brits by looks of it, including a Lady so-and-so!
      Noble Caledonia is a London based company.
      See ya next week at the SC before leaving!
      Mary x

  3. I love this Michael!!! :) I laughed at the oil can, every good robot needs his vice lol... ;) I'll take the licorice even if it is soaked in oil, I love that stuff though my teeth hate me for it lol! I definitely used rectangles in my art this week for the picnic, though mine might not be as stumpy as required...hope you'll all forgive me. :) I do love this sketch a lot! :)

    1. You did a great job, Rain, and again, outside the box which I love. Happy belated bday too btw!

      Ha, ok, allsorts and oil duly noted. Thank you!

  4. Oh Michael...your creative mind and juices just are so fun to see each week. Gosh, this is so cute, and what a personality you have created out of rectangles. I love him. I can hear some funky music in the background as he works on his head...haha. It almost looked like a "boom box". I like that it doesn't have color. It's perfect....

    1. If you had had Instagram or can get access to it from your phone, go check out the highlighted saved IG stories for "Robot" above my posts there -- I actualyl included music that I felt soudned right for thise sapre parts theme. :)

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments, as always! they TRULY bless me. I really do try to think creatively about each challenge each week to help us all consider the infinite other options out there. So, very well appreciated indeed. Thank you!

  5. haha....very nice Michael. Great job as usual. Got so much going on in my life right now that I have not gotten back into scribbling!

    1. Aw, that's OK. I get it but certainly appreciate your feedback here, no less, anyway. Thank you!

  6. Love, love, LOVE your robot illustration, Michael! Very clever!

  7. I have a friend who makes cute little zombie dolls and your robot's head reminds me so much of the faces she puts on her dolls. (They really are cuter than they sound - no blood and guts.) I wonder if he's just finished putting it together or if he's done for the day and giving it a rest. This is a wonderful illustration with all those gears and gadgets in the boxes - such detail!

    1. Oooh, that's a super good pondering there. It coudl go either way. I was thinking maybe he had a screw lose, literally, and had to tweak himself back to thinking right again. :) haha. I know all the possibilities in the story and am actually AMAZED you got the zombie reference which I thought no one woudl pick up on. I did actually intend to make him look a bit zombie dead like...since his heads off and thought of that very thing. How shrewd of you. And yes, cute or warm is my preferred cuppa too. Thank you so much.

  8. That's quite the talented robot, doing his own brain surgery as it were. Love it!

    1. Oh my gosh, hahaha, that is quite funny how you put that, Jolene. Love it.

  9. Came over on my husband's computer to see what you did with your prompt ... I love him, though I do hope he will get to put his head back on :) I have a post, but my computer died so I can't get it to you ... perhaps I will post it later when I get my computer fixed, but for now, just commenting :( Hmmm, licorice dipped in oil ... no thank you :) Hope to be back soon ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  10. very nice :) is he going to try to update his software?? :p

    1. Ha, no he's jsut a got a screw lose or two to fine tune, as it were! Thanks!

  11. Looks good. I like all the spare parts in the boxes around.

    1. I'm loving the hand and eyeball most of all. I mean how many times do we wish we had an extra set of hands? :) thank you!

  12. Everytime I see that hand, I think of that "Luke, I am your father" bit from the old Star Wars. Heh. I was thinking there is a tie in to this story somehow perhaps. Yes, thank you for encouraging me to try a different angle. You idea was brilliant to have the table in front of him instead a cubby organizer behind him as I initially envisioned. Thank you so much!

  13. Just to let you know ... my computer crashed and is in the "hospital" for who knows how long. I had a post for this week, but wasn't able to post it using my husbands computer. Now, he has put Google Chrome on his computer and now I can post so I will be back by next week. Sorry I missed out this week, but love your robot ... hope he has enough AI to be able to put his head back on :) See you next week, Micheal ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  14. this is wonderfully fun Michael.
    lots of the shape in this piece.
    i like it sketchy too.
    I was gone for this one, my birthday.....
