Wednesday, May 2

Garden tea parties, scribbile picnics & picket fences

Spring is in the air and what goes better than blooms, blossoms and picket fences? This sketch is actually not entirely from imagination as its based off of a photo of one of my favourite homes here in Fort Collins. I've taken some liberties though, such as with the fence in front, table and tea cup but nevertheless, wouldn't this be a fabulous place to celebrate our picnic and show off each others' work? Yes, I thought so. I'm thinking dry climate, low 70's, sunshine, fresh gentle breeze off the foothills... and limeade. Or, somethings stronger for some of you perhaps?  :)

This piece is in dedication to my mother who died last year (May 1st). She loved gardens and particularly relished this style of art — loose and sketchy, done with feeling over perfect accuracy. I dearly missed her today (May 1st) even though in reality she wouldn't be around but all the way across the pond and I probably wouldn't get to see her any time soon anyway. You know what particularly got to me? That I couldn't make her another cup of tea or let her try my instant Cuban coffee as I'm guessing we won't be sipping that in heaven (being perfect and all) but I miss Mama with her foibles and such. As I noted today on one of my Instagram stories, our flaws also make us so compelling and complex. Hers were hilarious, heart warming even, whilst, yes, sometimes maddening too :)

On a brighter note, it's with super expectation that I can announce Alexandra is heading back home on the 15th...finally! She booked the tickets today, in fact, and her folks (mother and new step pops) will join her for the journey, getting to enjoy their very first holiday EVER for either of them! (She will also help them with flying as they've only done it a few times prior, the last times being way pre-9/11.) They've not been to many places and certainly never Colorado so I am looking forward to showing them around a bit. It's been a good, productive and needed visit for Alex and them. I'm so glad she could go, yet, equally, am thrilled to have someone's feet to rub at night have her to take over tea-making responsibilities again, for starts! (Queen LaTEAfar has been sorely missed, let me tell you. Time to wear her crown again for sure.) :D

OK, the gate is open, bring your artwork, something to share for the picnic, and come right on in...


  1. I love this one, fLowering hedge and picket fences with a lovely home in the background...aah. How wonderful that Alexandra will be home soon.

    1. Yes, I wish I lived there but wish it also had a back yard garden, like Mary's (it has none) but it's a gorgeous home. Thank you. It's actually a new home made to look old.

      I am counting the days to her return, yes! :)

  2. You should make a copy of this and stick it in the mailbox for the owners ... they would be thrilled. Beautifully done Micheal and I can feel the love you feel for your Mother. You will never stop missing her as I lost my Mother 18 years ago on November 14th ... and it is as if it were yesterday. We were blessed with a wonderful upbringing, Micheal and it has taken us to where we are today. Welcome back to Alexandra and had I known you needed someones feet to rub, I would have volunteered :) Beautiful post, Micheal ... a wonderful way to start my day :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Haha, a great comment here. You know, I actualyl really woudl gladly rub your feet or back and neck as I am pretty good at it and love making people feel good. I did alex's moms feet this time around and am still getting to know her. Lol.

      I love that idea about the gift. I wonder if they would appreciate the fact I cahnged things around, like the fence adn the fence post topper, among others. :) It's actually a new house made to look old style. Isn;t it beautiful? If you see my instagram on your phone, you can watch my FoCO Snow Highlight (Above my grid) and see video of the home in the snow. Its soooo pretty.

      Thank you.

  3. I'm in love with your illustration Michael, and would enjoy tiptoeing up the garden path just to sit in that chair in the garden, glass of chilled rosé in hand, and perhaps a Jaffa cake to nibble! Actually it all reminds me of MY garden and cottage so I'd feel truly at home!

    I know your dear mum was a huge part of your life even though you, like me, had to travel far to be with her, it's what happens when we move away from home, and in our cases "across the pond." Mine has been gone 15 years and yet I still feel the need to have a little chat with her each day and tell her about things going on. I hope your memories will always be of the special times.

    Come on Alexandra, get on home to your 'prince' - he's obviously pining for you.
    Seriously, come back soon and stay safe.

    Happy picnic days ahead.
    Mary -

    1. Aw Mary, I love the idea of the Jaffa cake nibbles there. :) And you know, yes, it so reminds me of your beautiful abode but unlike yours, does not have that gorgeous back garden oasis.

      I think it's kind of hard thinking how we never stop thinking of our mothers. It's a mox of both lovely but sad too. Makes sense if ones mother was loving or good in anyway though so I am thankful for that.

      I am thankful for you too.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful painting, a wonderful way to remember her. Safe travels for Alexandra.


  5. Your sketch is beautiful. What a lovely community you live in. I like how you're able to find such beauty in the buildings and plantings right there in your own neighborhood. Doesn't it keep us close to those we love thinking about how they would enjoy certain things, sad that they no longer can, but happy to know that they gave us the gift to see things still through their eyes.

    1. We are so fortunate to live in old town area which is quite different to the rest of town where I've lived before. We have a good deal here in this little rental as the landlords know we will and do take great care of the place like it's our own. :) Thank you so much. I love what you say here. So true.

  6. I love this sketch, Michael! I adore the loose, sketchy style way to catch the essence rather than perfect realism.

    How fabulous that Alexandria will be heading home soon and with parents too!! What fun you will all have. I wish them safe travels.

    P.S. - Sorry, I was late to the picnic this week...I have only just managed a quick post to Instagram and my blog. I'm having a wisdom tooth extracted tomorrow — first wisdom tooth removal so not sure what to expect. I have stocked up on reusable straws so I can still have my hot coffee/tea. hehe

    1. OOh, good idea on straws! So sorry. My younger sister adn I were very fortunate that none of our wisdoms ever grew in so we never went through any pain or extractions.

      Thank you for your comments above, all of them. :)

    2. I'm off to IG now to see your piece btw.

  7. for something that seems so rushed. You would be surprised how long it actually took...and I even had a photo to base it off of! But there were too many details so had to change things. :) Thank you.

  8. BEAUTIFUL Michael. So amazing what you can do with a theme...great job.

  9. Hi Michael! :) I'm SO LATE....but I'm here :) Your scribble is wonderful, I love the colours and the perspective! The style is great, and that table with the tea cup is such a nice touch! I'm sorry about missing your's difficult isn't it? Your memories are wonderful though. And I loved that story about Queen-La-Tea-Fa! LOL...cute! I'm glad you two will be together again soon! :)

  10. that is a nice yard to have tea in. I don't think I see white picket fences anymore, at least, not around where I am. I like your quick strokes/style of drawing.

    sorry, I haven't been around. I'm not particularly creative these days. but when I see what the others did, I feel kind of bad and then I wanted to do something but then I could only managed a few sketches and that's that.

    I see the new themes, will try to work on something but doubtful I'll even get anything good enough to show but I'm going to try.

    have a lovely day.

    1. It's actually quite small and, weirdly, I've never seen anyone ever go in andn out of the from door, let alone go into the yard. Ha.

      Yes, I imagine there are few white pickets fences where you are, same with UK, let alone a big city like NY.

      Aw, it's OK, Lissa. From this and your previous comments, it simply sounds like you are burnt out. That's fine, as far as here goes and I appreciate your visit, regardless. Thank you.

      Please note that we have a two week break coming up after the 16th so maybe after that you will be back in the mood? We shall see. Take care, Lissa. Thanks.
