Wednesday, May 31

Scribble Picnic with Books!

Turns out there's a lot of pictures of hedgies and books so had to figure out something not done before since I really wanted to draw this adorable lil' creature again. I actually did a colour version too but still prefer the original pencil drawing above so that's what you see here for my own take.

Thanks to everyone who's joined our picnic again this week after the break. I wonder how many of you did any sketching whilst away? I know I didn't! Just as well I had this picnic to attend! Funnily enough, before even starting today, I kept falling asleep (remains of jet lag). Perhaps it's no wonder then a pillow found its way into this piece? :)

Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes, prayers and/or support my way. I certainly felt buoyed by it, as it were, and if you followed my instagram, you'll have seen the funeral was small but beautiful and so very English. Everything went as well as it could have, all things considered, and I even learnt a few new tidbits about my mother along the way. (More on that later perhaps.) 


Wednesday, May 10

Scribble Picnic: Potted Plant

Time to gather for another Scribble Picnic but this time bring your pots and plants with you. Hey, we can do a virtual plant swap! How fun! Just sign up below...

For my take this go around, nothing terribly complex or clever, just a simple sketch in my little drawing pad where I've drawn a lot of my more etchy pieces in times past. :)

An aside: I will be attending my mother's funeral and visiting family over the next two weeks. As such, it's unlikely I'll be able to contribute to Scribble Picnic in that time so.... question for you:
Would you like me to pre-schedule the sign ups ahead of time and you continue as normal OR postpone the picnics, resuming again on May 31st with the "Books" theme? Please let me know your individual preferences in the comments. Whatever has the most votes, is the one we'll go with. Thank you! (If we continue as is, I will certainly at least visit everyone as able, even so.)


Sunday, May 7

Details at the door!

It doesn't appear anyone knew most of these cultural references, so for any of you inquiring minds out there, the answers are below...

Left side (top to bottom):

I Brake for Tardigrades - My tongue-in-cheek ode to these microscopic anthropods ("waterbears") that are known to survive extreme conditions, even the vacuum of space. And so, in a sense, you could call them the only extra-terrestial life in our known solar system!

Keep Calm... The Answer is Still 42 -  Again, my own bumper sticker, playing off the ever increasingly ridiculous "Keep Calm" WWII poster versions with mine tying into Douglas Adams'  space comedy, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Here, we learn that after 7.5 million years, a supercomputer (named, "Deep Thought") calculates "42" as the “Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything!” Quite funny, really.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost - I thought this bumper sticker works well for those too "wandering" about in space, exploring the cosmos, or even for others simply looking up in contemplation at its vastness, pondering things of eternity, seemingly wandering about but with an end goal in sight. This line is actually first spoken in Tolkien's poem, "All That is Gold Does Not Glitter," showing up in "The Fellowship of the Ring." It is also the title of Chris Thile's third solo album, continuing his philosophical muse begun as a member of the progressive bluegrass band, Nickel Creek.

Right side (top to bottom):

Got Stardust? - Obviously, my astronomy twist on the classic milk ads.

I Have a Feeling we're not in Kansas Anymore - Dorothy says this to Toto in "The Wizard of Oz." It's that sense that we're no longer in a predictable, comfortable surrounding — apropos for such a journey to Mars!

My Other Ride is a [Tardis] - If you didn't recognise the illustration, then you've never watched the long running sci-fi TV series, Dr. Who, and all his various travels through the universe in his time machine/spaceship that from the outside looks distinctly like an old London Police call box. (Speaking of such, if you haven't seen it already, you might rather enjoy my own funny take on being a time lord!)

Chewbacca is my Co-Pilot -  Not that I'm terribly a Star Wars fan but am pretty sure these space travelers surely would be!

So Say We All - This "Amen" like refrain is often spoken by the last remaining survivors in the re-imagined modern version of Battlestar Galatica. Admiral Adama concludes with this rallying cry after the memorial service to all those lost before them in the Ceylon destruction of their world(s), acknowledging that while their journey finding a new home (Earth) will be long and arduous, in the end it will be worth it! This mythical hope drives them to keep striving against all odds. The series itself delves into morality, creation, mythology, spirituality, science and technology to ponder the question of what actually makes us human and how can "life" even be defined? As Adama aptly notes in one speech, "We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything that we’ve done." The series then, of course, warns of the perils of playing God, creating (artificial) life that eventually rebels, becoming humanity's own undoing!

Wednesday, May 3

Scribble picnic - sign up at the DOOR!

 "Another Trip to Mars"

Welcome to another Scribble Picnic. Step right this way through the DOORs  below... Time to sign up YOUR piece for this week! (I'll check out all your versions on Thursday btw*.)

For my interpretation, I decided to show what perhaps the interior of a spaceship traveling to Mars might look like after it's not quite the pioneering venture as before, but not exactly rote yet either, on maybe the 10th trip out there or something where people are getting a little more relaxed, silly even!

Can any of you guess the cultural references for each of the bumper stickers? I would be amazed if you could! You would have to be pretty nerdy to get all these, actually, but hey, I'm thinking astronauts and scientist types just might know... :)

* As it is, my dear mother passed away this Monday. If interested, you might care to see my brief dedication to her, clicking through the pics on my Instagram post. :( Come this weekend or so, I'll publish something here more fitting for Mama. She truly lived a most extraordinary life! While moving so terribly far away, I nevertheless miss her already even though, in reality, it was usually such a long time between visits for most of the time! Hard as such to believe she is actually gone.  💔

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