Wednesday, August 2

Bead Curtains - Scribble Picnic

 Bear's "Bare Cuts"

OK, look sharp. It's time for another Scribble Picnic and we've got lots of catching up to do!

Here's my entry for our current "Curtains" theme — just the sketch thus far — which took plenty long enough! (I couldn't seem to draw a badger or bear, for starters.) And the colouring is taking way longer than expected so I'll either post that later today or on another post entirely. Stay tuned!

Can any of you guess what that cheeky lil' turtle is doing there? He's hoping for a Turtle Wax! I mean, look at the chap — he's even brought along a  special towel for the polishing.  :)

Your turn now... to show us what's behind the curtains! Hope everyone enjoyed their break and perhaps a few of you even took advantage of the extra week? Let's find out...



  1. Michael,
    I love Bare Cuts. Cute. And thanks for the little addition of the turtle. I had mine posted last week so it worked out well as I am babysitting 3 of my grandchildren at their home.
    Is everyone healthy at your house now? I had a little problem with ingesting soy last week - not fun so sympathize completely.

    1. Oh soy can have bad effects too? So glad you are better and alex too, yes. thank you.

  2. Very cute tree spa behind the bead curtains! The customers including your turtle are so cute! What a great idea Michael! I am enjoying Alexandra's and your video stories on Instagram, you guys are fun!

  3. What a cute idea... animals getting haircuts.

    1. One can only get so fuzzy in the woods, right? :)

  4. Great imagination Michael, look fwd to seeing the color version later.
    On our way to the coast this morning - more comments will come later when checked into the hotel!
    Mary x

  5. I actually posted my curtains before I read your note last week, but now I am linking it. Love your animal tree, all your little animals and, of course, the curtains. Reminds me of when I was a child and my father used to read Winnie The Pooh to us at bed time. Very sweet ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea, I must admit, dear Winnie the Pooh's stories definitely crossed my mind as I imagined this scene and figured out how to compose it. :) thank you.

  6. Very unique idea, I like how you added all the different critters into it. I also had mine posted last week before I saw your post last week, so linking it now :)

  7. Beaded curtains! How clever of you. I love that there is an entrance and an exit to this little shop. Looks like the bear has a good business going there.

    1. I think so. Thakn you. now, after seeing an instagram of aan empty turtle shell with a bear potentially having eaten the lil critter, I wonder if the whole shop is a ruse! ? no! surely not! :)

  8. How fun! Love the rabbit greeting everyone on their way out of the shop, and how proud the hedgehog is of her fresh cut, bow included! Oh, that reminds me, I need to make one more appointment with my hairdresser of the past few decades before she retires the end of this month. :-(
    Yes, I took advantage of the extra week to get a new drawing done. Otherwise it would have only been one I did years ago. You'll also want to see the special note of thanks for the prizes!

    1. I loved your write up. Thank you. And enjoyed your recent addition too so am glad that worked out, Jolene. Thanks again!

  9. Such a simple but yet lovely looking sketch. Very nice to see, greetings!

  10. Hope everyone is doing well. What fun to see all the critters lined up and a hedgehog exiting with a smile.

    1. Yes, all's well here again. Thank you and so glad you joined us here, Juana.

  11. Clever, clever, clever....Bear's Bare Cuts. You are so amazing. I was telling a friend about your and Alexandra today, and how you veins run "Whimsical Blood"... These little critters getting all fix up is so adorable. I think somewhere out of our a place just like this. You and Alexandra have come close to finding it. Sending hugs.

    1. I sooo enjoy your adorable comment, Wanda, and I'll have you know, those realyl do inspire me to push myself that bit further week in and week out! thank you so much. :) I love it when I can tell a stroy with more detail but that often means not getting it coloured but will do. In fact, it is already begun.

      Oh, and yes, that allusive place is so tangible that we are always trying to capture it in our art. I think one can feel that in our lil abode too, well, at least i hope! :)

  12. maybe the turtle thinks there is spa in there somewhere. this is cute. I really like the badger with the bow in her hair, so cute. this is wonderful!

    have a lovely day.

    1. Hee, me too! That turtle is illing to take his chances, I suppose. Yes, i can jsut picture that girl hedgie coming out all proud of her new "do!"

  13. Ha! Bare Cuts! How great.

    I had no idea the sketch I posted today would match the theme, but Alexandra saw it, and here I am.

    1. And it so wonderfully does too. So nice meeting you. I am following you now on IG. We just love your work. Thank you, Paula.

  14. cute :d turtle wax lol
    this is a great sketch, looking forward to seeing it coloured :)

    (i didnt manage to think of anything for this theme, even with an extra week, oops)

    1. Thank you just the same for popping over to support us all here! That's great! never mind, there is always buttoned up to do next.

  15. Finally getting a moment to come back and comment...I absolutely love this sweet illustration, Michael! Had to smile at the Turtle Wax idea. hehe Too cute!

    1. Hee. Glad you make you smile. Hope YOU are feeling better, Serena?! :)

  16. Almost there! Thank you! Your mushroom will keep on blooming here! One hopes at least. :)
