Wednesday, January 24

Magic Tablecloths

Master Magician, Monsieur Luc Pierret, was legendary for his infamous magic tricks! They never seemed to quite work out as expected though but he took his craft very seriously indeed, regardless. Making that hat appear under the tablecloth was really quite magnifique, however, his pesky lil' rabbit was another matter altogether!

Time now for you to show us your own tablecloths for this marvelous Scribble Picnic. Here, do bring me one quickly please... so I... err... can cover up all those baguette crumbs someone's dropped onto the grass! :) Thank you.



  1. AWESOME....sometimes I sat and think and think about how to work this theme up and this time was a hard one for me! Sort of like being in class and having to take a test!! I am creative in a lot of ways but this theme thing throws me sometimes! HAHA....I love what you did, my mind never went in that direction! Great job.

    1. Yes, I think the inidivudal prompts are really good at making one THINK and especially then, like in Art School, one sees waht everyone else did and how they interpreted the project! You see, before you know it, you'll often be amazing yourself at your own ideas. :) That's certainyl why I wanted to show not jsut a tablecloth but one in action, so to speak. In fact, it's been super interesting seeing how people interpreted this theme, one which I deliberately chose as I thought pretty much anyone can draw a rectangle of sorts with some pattern or colour. Ha. I def don't want people to always feel toooo intimidated, as such! :)
      Thank you, Pam.

  2. I recognize that magical face from one of your sketches on IG ...speaking of, I have been sketching daily, but can't figure out how to post on Instagram ... maybe you could lend me a hand :) Love the pesky little rabbit who foiled the Master Magician's trick :) Have a great week, Micheal ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. So glad you are doing that and am looking forward to seeing your daily doodles. Yes, I replied to your question on IG post and through IG messenger as well as on your blog post for today's theme. Good luck, Andrea. Thank you.

  3. AMAZING as usual. You are the master of story telling to make your illustrations come alive. I could hear the "swish" of the tablecloth and the look on his captured it! Love the now the act is a comedy. HaHaHa....applause. Great job Michael.

    1. Now, you see, if you were looking at my IG videos through your phone, you would even get music to some of these and me nattering along about them. Thank you so much!!!

  4. I love the red checked table cloth Michael - and the curtained background. If the rabbit was brown I would tell you he's here in my garden, although there's not much green to munch on. The magician is awesome - loved them when a child at birthday parties, now they are much too complicated and it really is all "smoke and mirrors."

    Happy day - loved working on this particular theme and hope my post is not tooooooo long!
    Blame it on the snow!!!!

    Mary -

    1. Totally concur with you about those modern, almost "shock" like magicians and thus I wanted Luc to have a tradtional pigtails suit but adding that Elvis in Las Vegas like shiny suited stage presence effect with sparkles adn bright gree to mix things up. Yes, I was done with the rendering when I felt I needed to add a floor and the curtains whcih were super easy to do and he glitter there was a fun way to add to the magic, if you will. Not happy with the shadow of the floor but there was no way to fix that when I was done. Oh well. HE is a fun eccentric and his bunny, priceless! Thank you so much for your comment. The rabbit, btw, would be perfectly happy in your garden, I suspect!

  5. This is so great Michael, I can't get enough of that green suit lol! The wabbit is so sneaky. :) I've never actually been to a magic show. Alex found a few You Tube videos of The Amazing Jonathon. He's more of a stand up comic, not at all magician, but his act is pretty funny if you have time to kill lol! (

    1. I have bookmarked your link to look at after getting through everyone's comment, Rain. Thank you for that. And yes, isn't his suite so old showmanship 70's like or something. I love it! Eccentric is what I was thinking, along with Pizazz! :)

    2. Pizazz! LOL...Isn't that Nicolas's word? :)

  6. it's strange but I sort did expect to see a table cloth with that red pattern. you've captured the not quite magical moment quite nicely.

    sadly, I've been quite uncreative lately due to no fault of anyone but myself. I'm thinking this is okay, no one can be creative all the time.

    just noticed the next theme has been changed from soup to spicy - which I find it quite funny. now I'm think how exactly to depict spicy soup.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Yes, you are totally right, dear Lissa--I cahnged the them to "spicy" as that could entail "soup" but offers greater latitude for everyone since this week's theme was already so object oriented to a specific item! Good catch and hope to see you maybe come up with something, if the spice of creative variety hits! :)

      Ha, yes, I actually comtemplated drawing the picnic tablecloth green checker or such but decided red was not only predictable but even a bit cheesy which I liked as it rather ties into Luc's over the top Las Vegas like suit! :) Thanks for noticing it.

  7. This is wonderfully creative Michael. (I thought your hot chocolate one was too, I only thought of the drink.)I like the rabbit under the table hiding.

    1. Ha, yes, yo know me. I thought, how can I make this more than simply showing a flat tablecloth (although I wanted something fairly simply for those who didn't want to draw anything too hard as most can render a rectangle and checkered lines!)? Showing one action seemed to fit the bill then the story behind it evolved in my head as I imagined the scene! thank you so much.
      I wonder if you, Tammie, will be joining us here before the night is done? :)

  8. Oh you so got it--like I said in my IG, "who's playing the trick or who's tricking who?" Cheecky lil bunny, that! :) Thank you. Yes, I felt the purple receded the curtains more than the red as it was too in your face, then adding the glitter sparkles sort of adds to that sense of magic (like a starry night) or such! :) thank you, my no. 1 fan! :D

  9. You've captured the magic and the movement in that tablecloth. Too bad the rabbit doesn't want to cooperate. When I was looking a IG on my phone earlier today I couldn't get over how 3-dimensional this appeared. Like one of those old fashioned stereo-optic thingies. Brilliant!

  10. Wonderful! I knew you wouldn't draw "just" a tablecloth, as some of us *cough cough* may have done! Quite impressive, with even the back side of the tablecloth showing a bit as it should.

  11. Michael, I read your comment on my blog. Thank you for explaining to me how a photo should fit in with the picnic. That explained so much more to me. Thanks....

    1. You're welcome. Feel free to use photos though as in a collage or something or like how Mary does. I want to allow people who aren't wanting to draw to find other avenues for creativity too jsut don't want outright photography as we all do that on IG nd our blogs already anyway. Thanks for understading.

  12. Wonderfully detailed piece Michael, you are a talented artist.

    1. Well, that made my night. Thank you, Christine! :)

  13. Michael, the box arrived, and I sent you a little video on your email account. Let me know if you can download or see it. I was so excited I wanted my dearest to video my heart. Hugs.

    1. We could not watch the video. Our email address did not count so maybe you can zip it and send? Woudl so love to see! ") so glad you get to have your heart you do tend to empty it out for so many.

  14. He's wonderful Michael. . . and I am reminded fondly of my own misadventures with magic tricks. I think I was mostly disappointed that they were things that required lots of practice and in the end, knowing they weren't REALLY "magic" took away the luster of them for me. lol

    BUT I would love to be a magician who actually could conjure such magic, even if it went a little awry under the table cloth at times! Besides, who wouldn't love the reason and the opportunity to wear the green suit!!!!???

    1. I know, Nicolas..and channel their inner Elvis perhaps? ha. thank you so much. hope you are well.
