Thursday, April 20

Scribble Picnic: Ladder Sign Up

Submerged Treasures: Where there's a will there's a way!

UPDATE: My drawing is finally done! Here's my contribution for this be coloured in later! As I perused pictures of ladders this weekend, it occurred to me that almost all of them show someone climbing up/ascending them but rarely does one see anyone climb DOWN them... And so, here comes Snorkeling Sammie Pool Dog to the rescue!

This Clever but cheeky little pup has finally figured out a way to reach all those toys he's missed catching. More serious measures are in order! :) 

Thanks for joining our picnic. Let's see who's managed to work up (or down) a LADDER this week! :)  Sign up below...



  1. Yes, this week is such a rush Michael - hope you do have time later though to give us your 'ladder' art. I almost did 'snakes & ladders' but as I'm terrified of snakes I try to keep them off my blog! Lovely Easter pic of you two - sounds like you had fun in the sun.

    Hugs and love, Mary

    1. That is too funny, Mary, as I was also thinking Snakes and Ladders!!

    2. OH my, we adored playing Snakes and Ladders as kids and it didn't even enter my mind for the challenge. haha Mary, you would hate living in Australia as it is home to some of the deadliest snakes in the world. Needless to say, I have encountered quite a few snakes in my time.

  2. Love the Easter pic of this happy couple! Thanks for finding time to host.

  3. Michael, Life has a way of changing our plans. But we go with the flow. I'm sorry I won't be able to participate this week. We are taking a trip of north as my dearest will be doing the Memorial Service for a dear friend of ours that didn't survive a heart surgery. Will be back on track next week for the "Tree". Will make time to visit as many as I can before we leave. Love and Hugs.

    1. sorry to hear of your freind's passing--more so for the family. Hope your trip goes well and no worries. Thank you for the visit! :)

    2. Wanda, I just want to add my condolences on the passing of your dear friend. A sad time for you indeed. Sending well wishes to you, your husband, and your friend's family. xo

  4. PS ~The Easter picture is darling. You two were certainly meant for each other.

    1. Aw :D Taken after 6 hours outside with the fam!

  5. I think the photo of you two is lovely!
    But yes, comfort is so important. I don't do well in heat or hot sun either.

    Yes, do scribble something up to share with us. But if you run out of time... that happens. Thank you for hosting as always.

    1. Well, dear Tammie, the photo is down now but as you will initial sketch is up. I will definitely colour it too as I want to explore how to do that water surface, splash and how things look under the water too.

  6. Michael,
    Hope you get a chance to enter your picture. And I love the short sleeved shirt. That's the only kind my hubby wears. No tshirts. No long sleeves. Even in the middle of our cold winters he never wore a long shirt except for weddings, funerals and when he used to go to work.

  7. Such a lovely photo of you and Alexandra, Michael! You make a beautiful couple. I can safely say that, having lived in sub-tropical Queensland since I was four, I still hate the heat and humidity we get here in our Summer months. Living in sauna-like conditions is not pleasant at all, especially without an air-conditioner. I love our winters which are more like a Wyoming Fall, minus the ever-present very mild by your standards and our winters only last a couple of months. Not long enough for me at all.

    Don't beat yourself up over your sketch for this you know, being late for Scribble Picnic seems to be my habit of late. I'm even a little late for this week but, thanks to time zones, I bullied, I mean squeezed, my way in.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Bully away, dear Serena. Great comment here. Thank you. So don;t think I coudl handle Queensland summers! My mother lived in Australia and Tasmania for about 3 years as a teen during the War and remembers the heat...but then, she calls hereself a child of the tropics, having spent so much time in Malaysia which is even hotter! OOh!

  8. I was pretty late but I got to at least did a drawing. I think it is a busy week for everyone including myself.

    have a lovely day.

    1. You did indeed! I love it. Thank you for letting me/us know.

  9. What a charming couple you two are! I'm fading fast tonight so I'll be by to visit everyone tomorrow. It's been a busy week for sure, and having lovely weather was a blessing. Must have been nice to be able to celebrate outside.

    1. Talking of nice weather--oh yes, it was GORGEOUS! Thank you, Lorraine! :)

  10. Glad to hear you had some nice family time, and outdoors at that! Lovely photo of the two of you! I certainly won't get all my visits made yet tonight, but look forward to seeing what everyone has posted over the next few days.

  11. You almost beat me posting! LOL Your sketch showed up right after I published the previous comment! (minus the link to your photo–so glad I didn't miss that!)
    Pool ladders, of course! I didn't think of the many of those I've used to help get out of the water. Clever dog to use one to get down to the toys!

  12. HAha, thanks Jolene! :) And well done getting yours even coloured. A lot of us, as you will find, didn't manage to get beyond a sketch but hey, this is SCRIBBLE picnic, after all! :) Enjoy the visits.

  13. OH, Michael! I absolutely LOVE your illustration for this week... It brought a huge smile to my face. What a clever and fun way to illustrate the theme. That doggy is so darned cute!

    1. I usually don't do great with dogs, but must admit, this one came out well! thank you.

  14. love a dog that can swim and this one knows how to climb a ladder too, although I'm wondering why they're playing in a pool or is that a way for Sammie to practice his snorkeling? why I have so many thoughts looking at a drawing? love the idea anyhow. definitely would like to see it in color.

    have a lovely day.

    1. It's a hot day and normally Sammie jsut settles for swimming but he really wants those toys that he didn't catch mid-air or before the sunk! Yes, it;s a backyard pool! :)

  15. Your piece makes me smile Michael. I think part of it is a dog that likes to fetch way under water! So cute. Plus they seem the best of companions, that is just the best. Adorable sketch.

    1. Thanks Tammie! Looking forward to colouring it as some point!

  16. As I told you on Facebook I love this. What a great illustration. and I am still smiling.

  17. Well, that's quite an accomplished dog! He's got some skills. Great drawing. I get the depth of the water and the surface too. Glad you gave it a go.

  18. Very cool Michael, so glad you got your piece in!

  19. That is adorable - what a great idea. Hope to see a color version later.
    Busy times for me but will have a tree of some description for next week - then a couple of weeks off most likely with no access to printers, coloring pencils etc. on the ship - such a hard life, haha!

    Happy weekend Michael.
    Mary -

  20. Oh my goodness. This is so cute...How fun to chase a bone in the water....up and down the ladder...This is so have such a fun way of looking at things.
