Tuesday, September 6

Creative Tuesdays: PLUM

Mr. Plumy does a right plum job on his house. He does rather like to celebrate!

OK, well, no more sign ups with the week's extension but it did give me time at least to works hours and hours on this piece! I felt that I owed it to you guys to push myself just that bit more and come up with something with a story behind it. There are some things, admittedly, I'd like to fix but it's time to leave as is or I'll never get done! Ha-ha. Anyway, it's inspired by various scenes from around here along the North Yorkshire coast. I hope you like it! I

The idea I had here was not just to show that plum colour, but also was thinking about someone doing a "plum" job with something, as in top of form and so on. The caption goes in line with the way some locals say things here but, of course, needs that thick Yorkshire accent to perfect it.

Speaking of the locale, I really need to write an update of our time here. It's been full, let me tell you. More on that later. For those of you who might happen to do Instagram, you can always follow me along there and see a sampling of the snaps taken whilst here.

Your visits, contributions and comments are always treasured. I believe I've seen everyone's entries and added Donna's (as she has not got around to that yet) but do please let me know if anyone else's is missing who did this last go round. Thank you!

Stay tuned for Thursday when I'll announce our new theme. See you then.


  1. oh yes, mr. plumy did a plum job on the house, since there are no closeups, I can't really tell but is he wearing a shirt or not? or perhaps it's a flesh color shirt? but I like all the plum colors including his shorts/boots. & the orange-red goes perfectly with the plum colors.

    have a lovely day.

    1. No shirt. Just him and his wellies (Wellington boots)! :) If you click on the image (and not from a phone), you can see further details. Thank you for the visit, Lissa. :)

  2. Gosh this is one of your most beautiful pieces yet! England must really inspire you Michael, I love it.
