Tuesday, October 4

Red Riding Hood

As I was just about to begin this  piece, my course changed from my initial idea after seeing a pic of a howling wolf and noticing that the animal's neck fur could easily represent Red Riding Hood's own hair and the creature's tucked back ear could tie in to the fold in her hood. And so, about 25 minutes later, voila! It was one of those mad dashes of inspiration where I wanted that passion of movement, energy and spontaneity to show through. In fact, I think this piece rather hearkens back to a 1930's feel which I find kind of theatrical and dramatic too.

Anyway, I wonder what each of you did and which story you chose? Hmm...time to find out. Thank you to those of you who've shown interest in joining us at Creative Tuesdays. I'll be watching to see who signs up and can't wait to see what you've all done! Thanks again.



  1. Michael this is a beyond fabulous interpretation of your theme, a work of art! I do get that sense of drama and fear, well done! I will post mine on Tuesday.

  2. Wonderful to hear that from you, Christine! thank you so much. Looking forward to seeing what you do and what story you choose. Yes, I like too that you are posting on Tuesday. I jsut posted now to spur others on and as it came together so quickly this go round. :)

  3. This is amazing! It's so beautiful and haunting, especially with her within the borders of the wolf. Wonderful and amazing job! Thank you so much for all that you do ^_^

    1. Wow, thank you, Donna, and you totally got the idea behind this! :)

  4. this fits the mood of the story perfectly!! i really love it!

  5. So simple yet so effective. I love the intensity of the red and the ferocity of the wolf's muzzle. This was such a great theme idea, such intense imagery and colours associated with it. To finish it off I love her expression.

    1. Yes, she has that sort of "not sure if I should proceed/on the verge of terror look, doesn't she? glad you noticed that! Speaking of expressions, Your piece did a good job of catching her concerns too, didn't it? thank you for the visit and for playing along! And yes, I really tried to feel the ferocity or movement as I penciled in the wolf's muzzle and teeth. Glad you noticed too. :)

  6. this is great, the subtle merge of the riding hood and the food, I would not have thought to combine them but this works, and the bare colors and the brush strokes - all really great. I'm always impressed with your loose rendering. another wonderful piece.

    have a lovely day.
