Monday, March 28

Easter Eggs

So, how was everyone's Easter? It seems to me, somewhat sadly, that each year Easter gets smaller with fewer doing anything for it. With my daughter on bed rest and the "kids" schedules complicated, we ourselves kept it pretty low key too — the 5 of us actually ended up going to the Barnes & Noble cafe and on Saturday night, no less. One side benefit? No clean up. That's always good.

Having the Creative Tuesdays' theme was perfect as while our celebration may have been simple, the Easter Eggs we brought as a surprise for the occasion were anything but! Alexandra and I had so much (back tiring) fun drawing, painting and creating them Friday night as well as most of Saturday until it was time to go. Above, is just a sampling of the ones I created. ...I'll leave you to guess which ones were for the boys and which for the girls. :) Each set was presented in small half-dozen egg containers along with a handful of Cadbury mini eggs, offering some other festive notes.

After a rough night for Alex (injury related problems), we were up early Easter morning at 5:30 am! Not to be put off though, we decided to take full advantage of our time to work on a couple more eggs for special gift deliveries to surprise others later.

So, how did your CT go? I wonder how many of you actually worked on eggs? Can't wait to find out! Thank you for playing along. Next year, we're hoping to get a few more (here) involved in the process. Let me tell you, bonding over a multitude of boiled eggs is certainly one way to celebrate abundant life. :)


  1. the pink and red are for the girls and the rest the boys? I suppose that is sort of the traditonal colors but also depends on personality but I'm going to go with pink/red for girls, etc.

    looking at these reminds me of halloween instead of easter. I honesty do not know anything about easter so...anyway, cute artworks.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Haha, well you are certainly right on the pink (for my daughter) and the red one for Alexandra. The bottom right black and white one was for a female friend of ours too.

      Well, there's no time like the present to learn not just the religious significance of Easter but its cultural and historical influence too, the world over. It's claims are truly the fabric of western civilisation, as well as most of it's motivation for so many works of art, architecture, literacy, etc!

  2. OH, and re: the blue egg-- yes, I tried to make each one be something that kid would enjoy, so for my youngest, he has drawn in the past some quite funny monsters so though it would be fun to do that as that would speak to him and touch his funny bone.

    Thanks for visiting! Onto see your piece now. ...

  3. Oh how I love your eggs. I didn't think about using markers... how smart is that. Each egg is a master piece Michael...You and Alexandra are just talented to the moon and back. I get excited watching not only your art, but how you and your sweetheart live life!!! I did do a painting of eggs which I will post for CT. Love and Hugs.

    1. you know, your comment definitely make me feel hugged and loved from afar. Thank you SO much, Wanda. I truly covet them. (Um, is that ok?! :) )

      Yes, using black sharpies and gel pens was a stroke of genius, must admit--Alex's idea, actaully. I did paint two of the black eggs with gauche first which was a nightmare of sorts as they took forever to dry and the white gel ink would run grey grey on them so I had to go pver each line a few times. The black egg you see here is sharpie on a white egg though which was far easier! I actually had one egg I remained over with white acrylic but it was a disaster and ended up n the bin, after all that! Only one egg got tossed though, so that is good. (Poor old egg.) Let me tell you too, each egg took well over an hour! My back was so sore after 9 hours of egg drawing on that Satruday. lol. the price we pay for love! Well, ok...compared to the cross i really can;t complain, right?! first world problems!
      Thank you again for your contribution and lovely comment. You know, we are way more funny in person I think than I'm able to do in writing here. It's not always easy to transcribe humour--all the verbal cues go out the monitor window! :)

  4. Thank you for all your comments, as well as fixing the link to the CT sign up. I had already been trying to to get the CT logo in my sidebar (it's finally there). I am the world's worst with computers. My husband and son help with general computer stuff, but sometimes they don't know the answers to my blog questions. I had a strange computer mishap with Alexandra's online class. (she can tell you). My husband teases me that computer glitches happen to me that don't seem to happen to anyone else.

    1. Well dear Barbara, I'll hand it to you that you keep trying! Thank you! Alex jsut told me the issue you had. Odd indeed. That's a first for her classes, must say. So, what do you think of these eggs? Did you paint any real ones or ever tried to draw on them. It's a lot of work, let me tell you! Phew. Love in action, so to speak. :)

      Your son and hubs sound like good eggs, must admit. :) Thank you for your visit and do feel free to drop us a line if you need some blog help--we may well be able to help you and like doing that when able.

  5. each egg is a joy to behold
    so beautiful
    thank you for the prompt and inspiration.

    1. Thank you Tammie. Lovely that you joined us too!

  6. wow these are fantastic Michael, such lovely colour and designs. Sounds like a good Easter. We had a lovely extended family gathering at my husband's sister's place as is usual.

    1. Well the Easter get together would have been nice with some yummy cooked meal but it worked for this time of year and the eggs were def memorable which was great! Thank you, Christine!

  7. Beautiful artistic eggs decorated by you and Alexandra - too good to smash and eat. I particularly like the brown one where it's own brown shades have been used to great advantage.
    Have you noticed that Cadburys cream eggs are smaller and don't taste quite the same? Kraft who have bought Cadburys have caused an uproar here as they promised to not to fiddle with the recipes but have. The fruit and nut bar used to have raisins now it contains the cheaper sultanas and is much smaller too.

    1. Me too. I loved the brown eggs. Sad thing is that they will invariably have to be thrown away before they start to stink!

      So glad, Rosemary, that you told me abou the changes withe Cadbury's b/c YES I had noticed with this last batch and jsut though that perhaps my taste buds were changing with age. I definitely don't like them as much. Just the though of Kraft cheese owning them shudders me and sultanas for the fruit and nut bar?! Noooooo!!! What a double whammy.

  8. I am so glad I only did two eggs, as they took me ages, so don't know how you made so many, back breaking indeed, but worth it looking at the lovely variety and all those designs. Couldn't believe how something so simple would take so long, and I blew mine not boiled!! hahah. Great fun take for Easter, just perfect.

    1. Yes, we avoided the time blowing them out like you did, Linda, but then again yours will last and ours will have to be thrown away before they stink...unless someone dares try eat one with possible ink having soaked through the shell? I don't know. And ues, I so hear you--these took AGES!! no wonder my back was so sore! Thank you for the fun take comment. Love to hear when someone really enjoy the theme!

  9. AMEN to that last line: abundant life. And to celebrate it with your loved ones doing something MEMORABLE is just about all we are expected to do in this life, to create LOVE. We have no children, and we've moved so many times away from where all our family lives, so my husband and I have had to be very creative when it comes to building our own small family holiday traditions. But the memories are yes, abundant.

    HAPPY DAY! Anita

    1. Anita, I'm glad you've figured out a way to make celebration and some tradition remain a part of your own small family life. So good. I have been in the same boat in terms of moving away from fam.

  10. Dearest Michael, I just saw that you visited my blog! THANK YOU! Yes, egg dying is one thing (my dying was strictly for photo purposes!) but egg ART is another! I am not even touching that! But the fun is in the process of it all, isn't it! Enjoy a post Easter joy that no season of cold and rain can take away. Anita

    1. So, you like these? :) Ok, no, I would not expect anyone else to make a point of doing these as they really do take ages. The expressions on others faces was worth it though. :) Thank you for your visit.

  11. We don't usually have eggs about the house. Hubby cannot eat them! We did have some and I intended to colour some, but yours are amazing! I used to do real Pysanki eggs, with wax stylus and all, with my elementary students. I have not done it in years, though. They rusted in the basement after I retired. I really enjoyed it!

    1. Wow, Pysanki eggs? Those would be incredible time consuming. I watched a video on how to make them and was so impressed with the diligence and repeated work that has to go into those. Impressive! Your eggs rusted though? how does that happen?! :)

  12. Hi Michael, your excitement over creating these fabulous eggs shines through. It must have taken hours to create this outstanding eggs. Sorry to hear Alexandra wasn't feeling well. Thank you for your message that you couldn't find my comments. They were there. Sometimes if you're using a phone you have to access the main website/blog.

    1. Haha, it relaly did, Tracy! Ages and ages!! Thank you about Alex. Her car injuries jsut flare up now and then in the most peculiar way--this was nerve related with her skin feeling on fire and dropping things all the time.

      So, I see comment for your other posts, like Kissed by an angel but both Alex and I can't find the comments for your baked goodness. Look again! Tehy def are not there on our end. All I see are teh share options. Now, KI can see them when I click on the title of the post but NOT when gogin to your homepage alone. Thought you might like to know that.

      Sorry to see you did not join in this go around but it is noted how supportive you were to the other members in spite of that. Thank you!

  13. AWwwWWWW. Thank you for writing that, smoots! U have good taste, if I may say so. :)

  14. Michael,
    I love the detail on each of the eggs and the bold colours. Glad you had a joyful Easter and sorry about Alexandra not being well.

  15. The eggs are gorgeous. I agree Easter these days is not how it used to be. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Yes we did go to Holt on the first Sunday afternoon. Yes we did visit a tea room but we did not have much choice as lots were closed.

  16. Really lovely eggs. For me as a kid, Easter was always a big celebration. Even when my boys were little, there were always other expat families to celebrate with, but all that changed as people moved on and children grew up. My oldest boy is at college in Colorado (I see that you are in Fort Collins) and now my youngest will be going off into the world as he graduates high school in May. Just like your river post states "The only real constant is change". Thanks for visiting my little corner of the world.
