Tuesday, February 28

"Cabin" Sneak Peek

How is everyone coming along, presenting their "cabin" for the next Scribble Picnic? Wednesday's the big day so there's still time to put the finishing touches on your piece or even start it! For me that entails deciding how to colour this composition. As it's inked on watercolour paper, I probably will first try my hand at painting it and seeing how that goes, rather than going straight to digital. (In fact, paints are laid out and will jump in right after posting this.)

Thanks for playing along and good luck. Hampers to the ready! :)


  1. Replies
    1. OK, please be sure to link to it from the sing up on Wednesday too, Linda. Thank you. I did just saw it on Instagram and will go there too to leave a comment. Thank you so much! I love having you back here with us on this new venture! :)

  2. :D Keep at it b/c I'm loving the peeks I've seen so far. Thank you so much!!
