Friday, February 10

Introducing Scribble Picnic: A Brand New Art Co-Op!

Exciting News
I'm starting a NEW art co-op* and am asking you to please join in, promote it and build it with me!  This will be a great way to gain exposure and gives us all a chance to creatively explore a weekly theme with others all on the same page.

Join in and WIN!
To help launch it, I'm offering this fabulous giveaway below (open to everyone). Here are a number of ways to enter:
  • Join the FIRST Scribble Picnic. Sign up your art on the post for Wednesday Feb 22nd.
    (See sidebar for current weekly theme and due dates.)
  • Add this icon to your side bar with a link back to the "Join Scribble Picnic" page.
  • Promote the weekly picnic and giveaway with your own post.
  • Post to social media, add #scribblepicnic and let me know where. 
  • Leave a comment below.
Each option gives you an extra entry into the drawing to WIN! The winner will be picked Thursday, Feb. 23rd. So, what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves, tuck in, read the guidelines and join the fun!

* Seasons change and with it, Creative Tuesdays is being retired. It was a good run whilst it lasted. Thank you to everyone who played along and here's hoping you and others will find time to load up your basket with ideas and join us all here on this new venture!


  1. Replies
    1. Excellent, Hanna! I see you have Google Plus and Instagram so feel free to either link here when the theme is due to your Google account OR add it to Instagram using #scribblepicnic and tagging my Instagram account (@dotty_hill). Actually, feel free to do both if you like! The giveaway will only be for those who sign up on blogger though, fyi. So happy you will join us. And remember, it's more about the concept than perfecting anything. I look forward to seeing your artwork!

      For anyone else reading this, it's open to all, regardless of experience. :)

  2. Thanks to you and your encouragement! :D xo I am so in love with the art co-op title too. Love that idea. :)

  3. Scribble Picnic here we come! I just have to remember this new art co-op's on Wednesdays! It seems a more relaxed and informal kind of challenge which is a good thing.

    1. I know, me too, Christine! I jsut felt a mid week celebration was mor in line with a virtual weekly picnic, or that was the idea anyway! :) And, it gives us an "extra" day from the weekend, if it ended up getting too busy and we had planned to work on thing then.

      So, did you see on the sidecar that the first theme is "Octopus"?!

  4. I want so badly to try to participate in this! Colin has a bit more of a predictable nap routine, so I may be able to swing it, ha! Such a cool idea, Michael. Would love to be back in touch with you! Been sooooo busy, as you can well imagine.

    1. Oops, didn't hit reply but you can see my reply here below. :)

  5. MichaelFebruary 9, 2017 at 9:32 AM

    Cassie, it's really great hearing from you here. I lost a lot of my links, etc, with a software update and so couldn't find your blog even though I though I remembered it well enough-- looked under "beetroot" and "bread" NOT "beet" or "baguette!" No wonder I never found it! So, very glad you are here and we are connected on IG now too. :) And yes, if you can play along, fabulous! You can use your blog or IG or Twitter but the blogland has the giveaway and I'm thinking if you won, you two would love it. :) In fact, you could have Mary over to try the Lancashire tea (which I've never had before but looks like a basic decent dark English brew!)
    Oh, and one more thing, you don;t have to scribble if drawing is not your thing. You coudl do a montage/collage or use felt or what have you. Entirely up to you.
    Thank you again for the visit and for any help in promoting this new co-op I would love to get about a dozen regulars on board and I think it will be seriously fun and a good way to keep activating the right brain. So hard to make time for creativity and art in our frenetic lives.

  6. Sounds like fun! I hope to participate also. :)

    1. Oh, I relly hope you do and have given a little extra time before the 1st one to get the word out and let ppl take advantage of ways to enter the giveaway. Do let me know if you do any of those too. Thank you for your interest and great meeting you!

    2. I just did a post promoting your challenge, Michael. It's also in my blog sidebar. What fun!

  7. Left a message on the old CT page for you Michael. This is exciting and such a fantastic name as well! Have added the link and new image to my sidebar in readiness.

    1. Hah, yes, saw that and you would laugh, if you knew jsut how many names we came up with and variations to actually find one that hadn't been used anywhere! :) I LOVE IT too and am glad to be starting something that is truly my own as CT was taken over and while I modified it some, it's nice to have something fresh! I woudl SO LOVE it, Linda, if you hopped on board here. I know many of us struggle to find time for art, even though we are creative. This gives you a great chance and will increase exposure, especially if you are on other social media (twitter or Instagram) and use that too. :) Good to see you here.

  8. just realized the themes are already on the sidebar, I've already have the firest theme in my mermaid gum machine...

    I swear I left a comment here but I guess I must have left it on the other post. anyway, good luck with this new adventure & I'm happy to join in.

    have a lovely day.

    1. When it comes to the Wednesday due date, just post that one. That's fine and totally want your contributions, Alissa. Thank you.

  9. Replies
    1. I added you to my sidebar and I plan to join in. I already follow u on twitter and instagram.

    2. did you get a chance to do this, Sandy? I looked on Instagram under the scribble picnic hashtag and did not find your piece there or a sign up here. If you didn't that's fine too and cabin is coming up for next week before you know it!

  10. Michael -- this sounds fun! I love the icon you've created :) I updated my sidebar to mention it and also included a bit in today's post. I hope we get lots of people to join up. The more, the merrier!!
