Wednesday, March 15

Scribble Picnic: Lantern

Lantern Love

This little hedgie's in the spirit! Is he sending out love or celebrating Chinese New Year or perhaps both? It's amazing what a lil' bit of craft work can do. :)

For some time I've loved that romantic notion of setting lanterns afloat up, up in the air, carrying with them our hopes and aspirations. Something so romantic about that, don't you think?

Well, how did you interpret the LANTERN theme for this week? Time to show and tell...

(Oh, and btw, I did end up finishing the previous "Umbrella" piece, if you're interested in seeing it.) 



  1. This is absolutely adorable, Michael! I love how you captured the warm glow of the lantern.

    1. That's funny, it was almost an afterthought and yet is one of the most consistent comment on Instagram. Thank you for the comment, Serena. Just getting to view people's work now and loving how you always get to be the first signed up, with the time difference and all. :)

    2. I'm so glad that you followed through with the was a lovely touch to your very cute illustration. :) I'll enjoy the limelight of first poster until another Aussie of New Zealander signs up...then the heat will be on. hehe

  2. Michael, so glad you chose a hedgehog - I love those little creatures and really miss seeing them over here. We used to have one in our Torquay garden - every winter he would hibernate under a hedge. I now have a friend in Staffordshire who rescues them and tends to them in specially built 'hoggie houses' in her garden.

    Paper lanterns are beautiful - I really love your version.
    Hope your week is happy. We are getting winter here at long last - very cold and a danger for our flowering shrubs and fruit crops etc.

    1. Isn't it funny how you are jsut getting winter whereas here we will be 79F tomorrow! IT was so warm this evening when I got home that I actually put shorts on and I rarely do that!

      I love that term, "hoggie farm." How sweet. Yes, you and me, dear Mary. I miss them too adn like you, we had one in our back garden which I always found extraordinary considering it was a little brick walled lot on the back of a typical row home. We never could figure out how it got in there or what it lived on but I suppose it must have dug a hole under all the walls and out in the streets or something.

      Thank you for the visit! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll show this time. :)

  3. This gave me an immediate smile and chuckle Michael, we were both thinking Chinese Lanterns funny.

    1. Well, that gives me the same right back at you, Christine! Thank you!

  4. I hope your sweet Hedgehog is sending those hearts my way!

    1. Aw, that's cute, Janey and thank you for the visit! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done for the picnic. Thank you so muc for joining our art cooperative! Welcome. :)

  5. What a sweet way to send a message. And such a cute message sender!

    1. But whom to, I wonder? :) Wouldn't that be so fun, though?

  6. You and Alexandra are cut from the same cloth. All of your illustrations are so whimsical and delightful and so full of fantasy. I love the way you both think! This one is so sweet...what a cute additions the "hearts"...melts mine!

    1. Awww, Wanda, your comments do that a lot to me and Alex too. Thank you so much!

  7. this is super adorable! there are people who write wishes and tie to a lantern and let them go so perhaps this little creature is doing the same thing, so sweet, especially the hearts. another wonderful piece.

    have a lovely day.

    1. EXACTLY what I was thinking, Lissa! You totally got it! :) thank you for noting that.

  8. Such a charming piece.
    I love the colors of your sky and the light the lantern offers the entire scene. Oh, and the hearts cut out and carried into the string, sweet idea.

    I also love the idea of setting lanterns free into the sky. I think winter might be the perfect season for it.

    1. Winter but with no wind or snow to blowing to snuff it out! Haha. How magical would that be though to have a lantern float over snow laden fields? Ooh, that could be quite the illo, I'm thinking. Thank you, Tammie!

  9. Hi Michael,

    In answer to your question. The doorway is an entrance to a rather large house in Fort Worth, TX. We spend the winter here and the summer in little Lake City,CO. high in the San Juan'

    1. Never even heard of Lake City and never made it to the San juan Mnts, must say. :) you know, I did have "notify me" on, should you have replied there but thank you, jsu tin case! :) I woudl never have guess TX! :D

  10. Wonderful, as usual! I especially like the sweet little face, and the paper hearts on the string.
    I didn't have time to draw and post a lantern this week as we took a trip to visit grandchildren and do some sightseeing. Wish I had thought of a paper lantern such as Serena drew. That I would have had time to make before we left, but my mind was stuck on a camping-type lantern!

  11. Really thought I commented here when we returned from our trip last week, which is why I didn't have a lantern to add to the picnic. Regardless, I really like the little critter and the hearts he has attached to his Chinese lantern. What a sweet expression he has!
